Con(fuse)ing and Re(fusing) Barriers


  • MELT
  • Loren Britton MELT
  • Isabel Paehr MELT



Ritual Praxis, Knowing-Making, Trans* Feminism, Crip Technoscience, Unstable Materials


In "Con(fuse)ing and Re(fusing) Barriers", we activate the practice of coalescing to discuss and propose trans* and neuroqueer ways of refusing access barriers and normative expectations. Drawing from trans* feminism, crip technoscience, embodied experiences and our arts-design practice as MELT, we attend to ritual making as a crip and trans* site of resistance. Rituals are activated throughout the text as practices that reduce access barriers, change habits, slow things down, or enact community rites of passage. We refuse (as in: fuse again) and confuse (as in: reconsider assumptions) separability, and trace how materials unfold in our arts-design experiments: concrete and errors become soft, rituals disorder normative space, and cosmic rays embrace neuroqueer understandings of computing. This text is an invitation to share and embrace rituals and refusal as interrelated modes that can make space for other worlds.

Author Biography


MELT (Loren Britton and Isabel Paehr) are arts-design researchers working with play, technology and critical pedagogy. MELT troubles patterns of agency in socio-technological systems with the methods of queer play, unlearning and leaking which inspires un-disciplined experiments that ooze with trans*feminism, crip technoscience and chemistry. MELT has been shaped by Ice, Software, Disability Justice, Trans*feminism, Signal, Black Feminisms, Materialisms, Post/De-Colonial thinking, Gifs, Climate Protests, Anti-Racism and Dancing. Publications include: “Printed Circuit Boards towards Non-Binary Computation” in Rupert Journal; “Warming Up for the Unknown” with COVEN Berlin and “Meltionary: Melting as a Shapeshifting Figuration” in PreCog Mag. Residencies include: OVEREXPOSED with Sonic Acts and the Vilém Flusser Residency for Artistic Research Residents with Transmediale/Berlin University of the Arts (UdK).


