Re:searching Together (in Two Acts)


  • Clareese Hill
  • Elly Clarke Goldsmiths, University of London



Here are the visual scriptal remains of – and for – two performances presented by artist-researchers Clareese Hill and Elly Clarke at Transmediale Festival On Refusal and at ERG in Brussels in January and March 2022 respectively:

- Mixtape / Shuffle Play (USA/UK 27.1.22)

- Meditational Drag/gy Sales Pitch (BEL 24 & 26.3.22)


● research fragments: dis:mantled & re:assembled
● wormholes: conjured & cared-for
● extracts: from past & not yet realised performances
● quotes: from artists & scholars we imagine ourselves to be in dialogue with
● requests: to unmute, to turn on video
● co-host(ess)ing
● a spanning: of time, of the western geographical terrains we reside in,
● like-minded, differently em:bodied resistance: to the drag/gy performance of academic positioning, placing, posing and posturing for the sake of legibility

The two Acts may be read consecutively or separately, or else watched as they were performed, by following the QR codes embedded within this text.

Author Biographies

Clareese Hill

Clareese Hill is a practice-based researcher exploring the validity of the word “identity” through her perspective as an Afro-Caribbean American woman and her societal role projected on her to perform as a Black feminist academic through disrupting the mainstream uses of emerging technology.

Elly Clarke, Goldsmiths, University of London

Elly Clarke, PhD Candidate in Art at Goldsmiths, University of London, is an artist interested in the performance and burden (‘the drag’) of the physical body in an increasingly digitally mediated world. Clarke explores this through video, photography, music, community-based projects and #Sergina, a border-straddling drag queen who, across one body and several, performs online and offline about love, lust and loneliness in the mesh of hyper-dis/connection and data discharge.


